A father says good by to his daughters with a hug.
A World of Options for Global Engagement

A World of Options for Global Engagement

  • Global engagement programs
  • Global engagement programs

We’re strategically committed to “Internationalizing NWU.” It’s about making sure every Nebraska Wesleyan student can engage with the world through opportunities including in-person study abroad, virtual projects and “GLOCAL” programs.

GLOCAL means to “globally engage locally.” It’s a great option for students when they’re on campus. A few GLOCAL opportunities here include attending NWU’s annual Global Village, participating in an International Relations Organization (IRO) event or volunteering as an International Pal (I-Pal).

Students interested in study abroad find a range of options from full-year exchange partnerships to short-term trips led by NWU faculty. Our professors have eight short-term programs set for this summer alone. Deadlines for these programs are coming soon, so explore your options now.

Other opportunities include international internships, teaching programs and research programs. 

Finally, students can engage globally in a virtual context. They can find virtual international internships. They may also take classes that include a Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) project. COIL projects involve partnering with students in other countries to develop intercultural competencies and complete a shared task.

Your student can contact us to learn about the global engagement programs that fit their goals. We’re easy to reach via Linktree or studyabroad [at] 5054k.com (studyabroad[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)

Sarah Barr



Sarah Barr is NWU’s director of global engagement.

Dates to Remember: 

November 12-21
Spring course registration

November 27-December 1
Thanksgiving break

December 10-13
Finals week

December 13, 9 p.m.
Residence halls close

January 13
First day of spring semester classes

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